We sell wholesale to qualified brick and mortar stores and select online retailers.
To order wholesale online, please set up an account (click on “Log In" at the top of this page and then "Create New Account"). Once you've set up an account, please call us (ask for Margaret) and we will begin the process to verify your business and assign wholesale pricing to it so that you may place your orders online. You must provide a copy of your resale/business license before we can complete your wholesale account set up. Once complete, you can log in and will be able to see wholesale pricing for the appropriate items.
Please Note:
Not every item on that we sell is available at a wholesale price. We offer wholesale pricing only on the items we manufacture in our studio. Items that we purchase from other manufacturers are not discounted. Coupons are not valid for our wholesale customers. Shipping cost is added to your total when your items ship, not at the time of order. We offer free shipping to wholesalers (continental United States only) on all order over $800. All International wholesale orders pay actual shipping cost.
Questions? Please contact Margaret (mhamge@royalacme.com)